Social distance is not enough to stop the virus at all, get everyone wear the mask is the key.

I really have a big concern on current Pandemic situation mostly in Europe and U.S and those countries are not yet giving policy to force people to wear mask in public. When the government or media telling only sick people needs mask, they are completely ignore the facts already proved in China :

  1. Some people affected are not showing any symptoms but can keep reproduce and spreading the virus
  2. The incubation period of virus last from 3 – 21 days, average 5 days but a few cases last 21-28 days.
  3. A family will be stroke together as long as one get affected. too many news approved the same. Even has some tragedies in Wuhan that a whole family members affected and dead.
  4. two typical case in China, a guy in Ningbo went to vegi market without wearing mask and get affected in 14 seconds , epidemiologist found from monitor that he went to a same booth after a Covid-19 patient visited. And another guy taking the elevator alone but get affected as a patient took the same.

So hereby I have to appeal:
Social distance is not enough to stop the virus at all, get everyone wear the mask is the key.

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